
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Workbench Wednesday - 5/28

Greetings! I've had a very productive and rewarding hobby week. I am diving headlong into my Death Guard Legion. I finished my two Legion Medusas, and am really happy with how they turned out. I am really glad I practiced with the rhino and the drop pod. Without further ado, here are the pics!!

I forgot to put the soot on the exhaust stacks, which I fixed earlier today! I posted the Medusas to the Horus Heresy Painting and Modeling Group on Facebook and someone pointed out that I forgot the soot.  Sometimes a fresh pair of eyes is just what a model needs to be finished off.  Like most hobbyists, I'm very critical of my own work, but I just kindof shook my head that I could miss something that seems so obvious!  If you are interested in Horus Heresy miniatures, I highly recommend joining the group.  There are a lot of very talented hobbyists in that group, and I am constantly inspired by their work.


I'm really really excited about this project, and it has really given me energy in my painting/modeling.  After feeling like I was toiling towards the end of the Chaos Space Marine project, it's very refreshing to be this excited about an army! In the background of the 'soot' pictures you can see the next project for my Legion: a 10 man Tactical Support Squad with Volkite chargers.  I've worked out a very effective and surprisingly fast way to paint the infantry, though when they're finished they'll be waiting quite some time before the Dragon Forge bases arrive.

Speaking of being excited about an army, WAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!! Da Orks are coming!  I am loving the leaked pics of the Gorkanaught/Morkanaught, and can't wait for the rest of the releases.  I've already pre-ordered two of the Gorkanaught/Morkanaught, as they are both durable and awesome looking, with lots of dakka! There will be blog posts of course, and probably an army showcase.  It also gives me a great excuse to finish my Stompa.  WAAAAAGH Grogglug rises again!

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