
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Workbench Wednesday (Saturday) - 5/21

Greetings!! After finishing the Helbrutes and sorcerer, and not being able to attend Kublacon, I've shifted my hobby focus to my Horus Heresy Death Guard Legion. To this end, I painted up some test models, a drop pod and a rhino. I wanted to try out some new techniques, especially using an oil wash for the first time. Neither model will be in my Heresy army, as the rhino isn't a Diemos pattern and the Death Guard rite of war doesn't allow drop pods. I found a tutorial on Battle Bunnies Blog, at it turned out brilliantly!  They're test models, so no transfers and I'm still waiting to do the weathering powders, but the majority of work is done.

After finishing the test models, my attention has turned to my two Legion Medusas. They're in progress right now, and so far are turning out really well. 

Water slide transfers are a total pain in my ass, but I've finally figured out a system that works, and will do a brief tutorial in the coming week, hopefully. I've also prepped a 10 man Tactical Support Squad with Volkite Calivers as my next project. 

I also ordered my bases from Dragon Forge. I normally use Secret Weapon Miniatures bases, but for variety I decided to go with Dragon Forge. They're simply the highest quality resin bases on the market. The downside is it can take 3-6 weeks to get an order as they're hand cast, but it's well worth the wait. They're simply the best. I'm looking forward to this project a lot, and will share it with you as time goes on! 

I also can't wait for the new Ork release!!!! Orks were my first army when I was a kid and the first army I made when I came back to the hobby. I can't wait to see what GW has in store for them! Needless to say I'll be picking up a bevy of new Orks to add to my Waaagh!

Pre shading with airbrush:

After the oil wash:

After AK Interactive streaking effects:

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