
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Workbench Wednesday - 4/2/14

This Wednesday I've made some progress on the inspiration for my Kublacon list - Helbrutes!! As you can see, they're magnetized to have multiple weapon options, though for Kublacon they'll be sporting a bunch of power fists as they'll be deepstriking as close to the enemy as possible for backfield disruption. The kits are awesome, and very easily magnetized. I used 1/4" magnets and any of the Helbrutes can carry any weapon (yay for me for not messing up the polarization).

They're painted in my 40k Death Guard theme, to go with my existing marines and terminators. Ironically they'll be the only models in my list that are painted in this theme unless rumors of a new plastic obliterator kit are true. As I'm using cultists and not Plague Marines, they'll stand out a bit, but I'll try to find a way to incorporate the scheme in the cultist units. They're going to be heavily weathered, and should look pretty decayed and menacing when all is said and done.

All assembly and priming for my list is finished, except for Kazak the Befouled, who I will be using as my Bike lord, as I haven't picked him up yet. Payday is around the corner though, so he'll be along shortly.

As for the helbrutes, the armor plating is finished and the basecoat on the skin is done. Now it's time for a ton of washes and then highlights, etc. The nice thing about doing such a heavily weathered and diseased scheme is that it lends itself to painting quickly; there's a lot of room for error as it'll be covered by the weathering. After the skin comes the metal and than picking out details such as the eyes, hoses, horns, etc. Should be fun!!

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