
Friday, April 25, 2014

Workbench Wednesday - 4/23/14

So the post is a couple days late, one of the side effects of having a 6 week old daughter! Haven't made a ton of progress in the past week, as I'm pretty uninspired by the Heldrake. It's nearly finished, I just have to go back over all the black another time and do the metals, maybe touch up the OSL around the eyes. Really just need to get it finished before moving on to the sorcerer's cart, which should prove much more inspiring!!

I have a finished Heldrake on the left, WIP on the right. Could have done a better job with the shading but it's good enough. They'll looking intimidating screaming on from reserves, so that's a plus! Also really looking forward to getting going on the bases. My FLGS (Game Kastle in Santa Clara, CA) finally got my Secret Weapon Miniatures Scrap Yard bases for me, so I'll do sort of a review and painting tutorial for them when I get to them. With about a month until Kublacon I'm not sure if I'll finish everything, but will certainly get the core of the force done, barring any setbacks. 

The Heldrake WIP. 

I'd like to take an opportunity to plug a Kickstarter campaign as well. It's the first campaign I've ever backed, and am really excited to see what the rest of the campaign has in store and get my minis around November: Jeremy Glen's Creature Caster

They're huge, beautiful sculpts of daemons, and I'm a sucker for daemons of all kinds, especially big scary ones. I'm going to finish the Heldrake in the next couple of days and hopefully the cart before the next update! Until then, Happy Hobbying!

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